Listed below is the Milford Regional Medical Center calendar of events for Jan. 1-15. Events are listed in chronological order. More information and the registration form for all programs can be found on the medical center’s website,
Monday, Jan. 3
One-Night Childbirth Education Refresher Class This class meets from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Maternity Education Room at Milford Regional. Cost is $50. For more information or to register, call the Childbirth Education Department at 508-422-2756 or visit
Tuesdays, Jan. 4, 11, 18 and 25
Caregivers Support Group Meets every Tuesday from 1:30 to 3 p.m., at the Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Milford-Northbridge Area, 37 Birch St., Milford. For individuals caring for loved ones affected by Alzheimer’s disease or other memory disorders. For more information, call 508-473-0862 or 800-478-0862. This group is funded by the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging.
Thursday, Jan. 5 and 19
Nursing Moms Support Group Breastfeeding is Beautiful is a free group is for breastfeeding women and their babies to help women reach their breastfeeding goals. Meets the first and third Thursday of the month from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Maternity Education Room at Milford Regional. There is no cost to attend and registration is not necessary. For more information, call 508-422-2960.
Wednesday, Jan. 5
Sibling Class For siblings 3 to 12 to familiarize the child with the Maternity Center and to discuss the child’s new and important role. Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information or to register, call the Childbirth Education Department at 508-422-2756 or visit The cost is $10 per family.
Breast Cancer Support Group Meets the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., in the second floor conference room at the Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center at Milford Regional. This group is for women who would like to meet other women to explore ways to cope with their diagnosis, its effect on their lives and to offer an opportunity to support each other. Registration is not required for this free group. For more information, call Ann Sullivan at 508-488-3783.
Thursday, Jan. 6
Baby Me For expecting parents who are unable to participate in the five-week or weekend childbirth education programs, this is a one-time, abbreviated class designed to provide helpful information on caring for mom and baby following delivery. The class meets from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The cost is $20 and preregistration is required. For more information or to register, call the Childbirth Education Department at 508-422-2756 or visit
Mother Talk Support Group For new mothers with infants from newborn to 8 months. Meets the first Thursday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Physicians Conference Center A at Milford Regional. There is no cost to attend and registration is not necessary. For more information, call 508-473-1190, ext. 5076.
Monday, Jan. 10
Basic Lifesaving for Healthcare Provider CPR This is intended for participants who provide health care or anyone who is required to take a health care provider course for employment. All participants who complete the course should be able to demonstrate the skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mouth-to-mouth and bag-mask ventilation, use of automated defibrillators and relief of airway obstructions for the responsive and unresponsive victim. A course completion card is awarded to participants who successfully complete the course, including written examination and skills demonstration. The program fee includes purchase of a one-way valve mask that is required for each participant. The class meets from 5:30 p.m. in Milford Regional’s Physicians Conference Center A. The cost is $50. For more information, call 508-422-2206 or visit
Monday, Jan. 10
Breast Feeding Class Meets from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Physicians Conference Center B, located adjacent to the main lobby of the Medical Center. The cost is $50. For more information, call the Childbirth Education Department at 508-422-2756 or visit
Cancer Bereavement Support Meets the second Monday of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Woman’s Pavilion Conference Room, 4th floor, Hill Health Center at Milford Regional. These sessions offer an opportunity for individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved-one or friend to cancer to join with others to support one another and explore ways to cope with their loss and grief. Registration is not required for this free group. For more information call social worker Margie Gonzalez at 508-473-1190, ext. 3119.
Wednesday, Jan. 12
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Meets the second Wednesday of each month from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Physicians Conference Center A, adjacent to the main lobby at Milford Regional. For more information, call Kay Grimes at 508-533-8726.
Look Good … Feel Better Are you currently having treatments for cancer? Have you recently completed treatment? Look Good … Feel Better offers cancer patients the opportunity to learn about treatment and post-treatment care for hair, skin and inner beauty. This free program is sponsored by the American Cancer Society and offered in collaboration with Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center at Milford Regional Medical Center. For more information and to register, call 508-488-3704.
Wednesday, Jan. 12 and 26
General Cancer Support Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 2 to 3:30 p.m., in the second floor conference room at the Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center at Milford Regional. These sessions offer an opportunity for individuals with cancer to offer support to one another and explore ways of coping with the stresses created by a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Registration is not required and families are welcomed to attend. For more information call social worker Ann Sullivan at 508-488-3783.
Wednesdays, Jan. 12 through March 16
Kundalini Yoga – NEW MORNING CLASS! Led by a certified Yoga, Kundalini Yoga is a powerful combination of stretching, exercise, chanting, breathwork, meditation and relaxation, which works the entire mind/body system. The exercises tune up the physical body; the breath balances the emotions; and sound work breaks negative thought patterns. Classes meet from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at Milford Regional at Whitinsville, located at 18 Granite St., Whitinsville, and the cost is $75 for the 10-week session. Preregistration is required and space is limited. For more information, visit or call 508-422-2206.
Wednesdays, Jan. 12 through March 23
(No class Feb. 23)
Pilates Essentials Mat Classes Led by a certified pilates instructor, pilates is a unique form of exercise that focuses on core stability while using controlled movement to condition the whole body. Emphasis is placed on breath awareness while maintaining a dynamic flow of movement around a stable spine. Classes meet at the Milford Senior Center, 60 North Bow St., Milford, and the cost is $75 for the 10-week session. Both Essentials (6-7 p.m.) and Essentials Plus (7-8 p.m.) classes are offered. (Essentials Plus is for those who have had previous Pilates instruction and is led by a certified Pilates instructor.) Preregistration is required and space is limited. For more information, visit or call 508-422-2206.
Thursdays, Jan. 13 through March 17
Pilates Essentials Mat Class Led by a certified pilates instructor, pilates is a unique form of exercise that focuses on core stability while using controlled movement to condition the whole body. Emphasis is placed on breath awareness while maintaining a dynamic flow of movement around a stable spine. Classes meet from 6 to 7 p.m. at Milford Regional at Whitinsville, located at 18 Granite Street, Whitinsville. The cost is $75 for the 10-week session. Preregistration is required and space is limited. For more information, visit or call 508-422-2206.
Thursday, Jan. 13
Diabetes Support Group Meets the second Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in Physicians Conference Center B. The group is open and on-going for adults with diabetes, their family members and friends. For more information, call 508-422-2396.
Community Birth Loss Support Group For families who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage or fetal death. Meets the second Thursday of the month from 7 -8:30 p.m. in the Milford Regional Women’s Pavilion Conference Room, fourth floor of the Hill Health Center. For more information, call 508-422-2273.
Thursdays, Jan. 13 through March 17
Kundalini Yoga Led by a certified yoga instructor, Kundalini Yoga is a powerful combination of stretching, exercise, chanting, breathwork, meditation and relaxation, which works the entire mind/body system. The exercises tune up the physical body; the breath balances the emotions; and sound work breaks negative thought patterns. Classes meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Milford Senior Center, 60 North Bow St., Milford, and the cost is $75 for the 10-week session. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. For more information, visit or call 508-422-2206.
Thursdays Jan. 13, 20 and 27
Teen Pregnancy Group A free childbirth preparation class for teen mothers up to age 19, this class meets in a supportive setting to gain knowledge about their baby’s growth, changes to expect, legal issues and nutrition and exercise. The group meets on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Maternity Education Room at Milford Regional. For more information and to register, call 508-473-1190, ext. 5076.
Eating Disorder Support Group For parents and loved ones of teens and young adults with eating disorders. For more information, call The Center for Adolescent Health at 508-482-5444.
For cancellation of any programs, call the Milford Regional operator at 508-473-1190.