The application for 27 houses and eight flats at Seager Road has received “significant objection” from residents, said planning officer Jim Wilson.
Swale Council received 46 letters of objection and several petitions containing 295 signatures opposing the plans.
Twenty-six residents signed a petition in support of the application but 11 then asked for their names to be withdrawn.
Tim Sands spoke at a meeting of the council’s planning committee on Thursday, saying he represented the majority of residents in Seager Road, Marine Parade and Beckley Road.
He listed numerous reasons for objection including privacy issues – the living area of the new homes would be the same height as bedroom windows in existing homes – and parking problems. He said the proposed site is 5m below sea level at high tide and expressed concerns about flooding.
Safety issues were also raised, including fears that a new alleyway linking the development to Beckley Road would increase crime, an access onto Marine Parade would add danger to an already busy road and the fact that some properties would directly overlook the school field of the nearby Sheppey Academy site could compromise pupils’ safety. Academy officials had also objected to the plans, he said.
Mr Sands also reiterated an issue raised by Marine Parade resident Robert Aspindale, via website UK Planning, where he wrote: “This plan calls for the demolition of two garages, which are situated on land belonging to me.
“As I have neither contracted to sell this land to the developer nor (agreed) to its use as an access to the site, the planning application should be withdrawn.”
Agent Peter Cooper, who also spoke at the meeting, reminded members the land had been allocated for residential use in the council’s Local Plan, adopted in 2008.
He said the height of buildings, which residents said should be reduced, was determined by the Environment Agency and was due to the flood risk.
Mr Cooper added: “This development will provide much-needed affordable housing and benefits to society.”
Members voted in favour of visiting the site, at a date to be arranged, before making a decision.